
Mars and VENUS

 Tell me why I capitalize VENUS?

Because Tesla rumors are from VENUS and? You say to ET or you say to me : THEIR existence are almost GODLY so they destroy themselves with Lava coil into the Middle of their Planet and exploded completely? That’s NOT WHAT you SAID on OUR Venus ?

Do you want to explain clearly how those words happened ?

Are you telling ET reptilian and greys you have to exist where they cannot watch you on Earth?

Or you think you never gonna get ANY reply from somewhere? 

You assume everyone KNEW you are the SMCH, are you out of your mind because to you, every country uniform people just One room of them means A LOT to your face? So they will know you have a meaning to air just THAT on the TV? Or you conclude that Harry Potter teaching you telling lies and MUST is your brain circulating problem how NOT to obey the simplest commands ?

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