
Let’s try this again ... ☄️

 We did the first type counting, that’s 1943-1908

But the month was between one week TEsla die in Jan and Dec to June 30 1908 just 6 month.

Then, I supplement the current YouTube video on 1856-1893

That’s when you know Tesla’s birthday is at July

But the Expo Chicago is on May or a period of few months.

When to do the calculations, you have to see the July 1881 for example is started at July, ended at 1890 July, for 9 full years, because when you count the next bracket, it’s 1891 July

The 1890 July unless you count to 1899 July, then, you say 10 years, there is 1890 July to 1891 July.

But we don’t have that !!! Because of the rest of the year to 1893 May, it was just year by year to count.

You can first count it to July 1893 and say no there was 2 month when that started at May!

I bet they even count the words how I type, I say it just like I type it. There is an audio, be free using it!

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