
Boys and girls are not the same.

 For example, Purna is used to just sitting there listen until I finish talking.

Yogananda is a boy. He ...has a drive to do things like soaking in the river to whatever he is doing.

In nature, there are so many force...not exactly kind. The air of the Earth might be sharp too...he might had his fantasy or value what it is to become spiritual. And when he does get selected and be told, he is the chosen One to go to the US, what’s his reaction first? Does he want to leave home? Was he homesick ? Can he adjust to English speaking country? How long a traveling path meant to him...because, there is always something to see the past.

Can you handle it? Money no money?

Did he change once he returns to India? Did he wants his Master to say he changed ?

Does others words judge him meant a thing ? Can he take it? Because he become a you all know name in the US. Babaji probably has a lot to say, that will always be the case for he is deathless, but ....of course Yoganada was just deliver a book probably to say Babaji exist. And Babaji sent him to hell and burn it. The rest he does not want to hear about.

Babaji has that personality.

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