
重寫隨便你們 One house destroy so gone to others whose house

 Growing up

The house was destroying, telling you how or why

So move on to the next house.

A match box 賣火柴的女孩? The old lady who cannot speak ?

Necklace is on Harry when he touches the photo album, like tracing back memory, she transform ?

Not human anymore. 

Serpent is not servant 

Serpent is an ancient words snake right ?

Back to the forest with the broken wand. Memory describe scenery, remembering, how the wand was broken ?

The boy in the album or the boy in the album you touch and transform ?

The book has no drawing I say that again or photo. She shows him what?

The broken wand and he needs the necklace for the night watches (or knight watchers?)

There is a light, deer, animal. Gonna be another servant issue? It’s a light body supposed to help you right? Not serpent there is broken wand.

The light of the deer is the sword hiding under the barrier - Ice

There is a line between Harry and the sword.

Going down again, not like going down the stairs where you breath oxygen, this is Water.

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