
Yogananda groups / disciple

 They want to evaluate him?

You want to? Because you can understand Chinese to watch it ? 

His upper lines or someone could say a things about him. India tradition has way back culture. Swami Order I assume is not just one him come to the West alone. Does he like it? The housing, the head quarter ...I went to visit. They have a shop selling stuffs. I always imagine Himalysis has groups. Society or Order, could it be there is no people because Babaji mountain is just empty mountain peak 

They know their master, SM

And you would know your master, Yogananda ? He is dead for a long while. I am sure he has a family pride or as a dignity pride that came with him. Most people have that. Like do you want a sport car? The blue book says. He has a liking. An actual liking in a sport car? 

It is very unusual. He is a Swami. 


The blue and the red pill in Matrix, the One? Oh, I see. He is the One. Not the little Buddha?

The One in the matrix does all kinds .... that realization how he become the One.

No one says the One has to be the Buddha. I assume it.

The One is the One

The Little Buddha is the little Buddha. 

What? The Britney video ...so they do exist besides to looking us here sorting craps and talents distribution ...yeah, the Comet video. If I were them, maybe I would think where that come from.

Let me see.

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