

 Anatomy is actually a bone study. Not physiology.

The skeleton structure like an anatomical structure. When I did the medicine and fasting, all they can see was I was reading at the moniter for every page I scan through, what exactly I read to do the fasting in the herbalogy that Eben was good at in Harry Potter. You don’t like that ?

I start with their protocol Colon. There is a protocol. They might have others data how they have used the site, it becomes my hobbit during my master degree in Librarians science. My entire studies were all put towards cleaning, colon, liver/kidney. The GI track.

I found books in Anan library. I flip open, once, there is a description on a miracle case. No doctors name. Me and him brainstorm on how to Google at it. There I found Dr Christopher herbalist. There is a short name MH, like you wrote it in OU language.

How long is that road for me to be acquaintances to MH two letter words, on your notebooks? Master Herbalist. He is on curezone writing articles, you calling me?

Dr Christopher was a Millitary doctor in the War times.

Again, all they can get were the reading I read. Do they count how many times I read the materials ?

So my job was making animation and writing books to find a real job somehow for the money. Each and every diagram I did not have the physiology text book. They just gonna assume where I saw the internal organs and draw them that? I use to have health class or biology class here in the middle school. I know or I heard what these liver, bladder kidney terms.

I have studied Cayce Edgar, again ,all they have was the reading I flip at. Do they count how many times I am reading at it, maybe. Because I actually wrote a book and making the most troublesome animation behind. 

That’s for medicine. I have read self publishing and sitesell to make a website ....there are tons to read and to care for only the IT department to exam if I heard Google say what’s Panda algorithm was released, or every year ...new formula. There is a keywords sheets, there was preparation for the website, there were images, frames and so on so forth ...they would have the camera install, that I speedy doing everything ALL at the short period of time, clicking here, clicking there, making drawing, copy, paste, drag ....tiny stuffs I cannot tell you all. You don’t care !

Do I care if you hear it?

Why is that even important ? To make an Apple announcement ?

You are trying to get to know me with a name, so you have a Book to read.

Are we on the same pages?

My GPA was 3.1

Maybe the Art don’t count. Some bubbling things I make for the greeting card.

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