

 Were you copying my website when I talked about the magic? How to enter the world that consist if each element present in a World that before the birth? 金木水火土?

The curses you so afraid of is not really like the cursed they are using the words here but it’s life after life glueing back to that each birth, come with it. I used to have all these terms. 上古邪惡黑大魔法師

You enter an earth atmosphere is already filled with water, in the air, under the sea, and you hook on a name iconic Suicide the entire civilization with your public announcement that Water is EVERYWHERE!

If you have a huge troubles with basic school subjects, and communication, including zero telepathic ability ....you expect yourself learning Magic? What magic? Magic before you were born and done with it? Or hola hoop, making the clouds disappearing ? That you would glad to do to know what terms to use in the Climate change 101 to start!

How you enter the world that has the metal element before entry birth?

Wood, water, fire, earth respectively ....

You are in a civilization that don’t use magic, so saying you don’t need to develop your dreamy state on Simon or Keanu or telephatic communication means to ET even when you are not talking to them?


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