
Examples 2

 For example: 

This entire world can be all doing the same thing I was doing, anything.

If he knew there is an entire world participation and his line is bricky cold, meaning nothing fun to do, but look Purna is cooking dog food on my gift. He may think that’s funny. He feel something but he is not here to be acting like a kid. Be part of the celebration.

What do I think he would feel as Yoganada ? Jealous ? Or being compare ? Can he have a master lines can come out and show to others what they can do also? Like the kid fighting kid and let’s all get together to say, Buddhism why it’s ALL Indian under it? 

There is a Hinduism. Why don’t you stay over there?

You could have zero activity in one lineage. They say this or that, finish. 

Did he look others for wanting to be selected ? But he is already being chosen ! Then do his jobs.

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