
Why do I keep explain to them?

 Because you watch my video on the Japanese 屏風?

I say what? That tablet is just a medium between me and them. I don’t care if it’s ET behind them or the US classify. I only feel the power this device I cross my life was a middle point. 

I can swords at my side to hit across whom behind it, do I know whom I hit?

Then I look at the TV screen again. 

You do that in numerous time, by saying if typing is the sword fight, if the singing is the sword fight ....there is 劍心 cartoon has the swords fight scene, I adding in 日本屏風 that’s what I see ... to stop them following me on this traveling routes none stop. Because there is a Hunger game. 

Do I know why they following me, like you come here to flood the entire world behind my back wanting someone to fix it, but you are not sure my birthday Death and astrology sign Seal means - what on that 2000 artifacts books. I found out I cannot open that book just like many times before or like 5 Lord Reviews. Did I tell you I build up on it?

All you hear from me was ?

“Do I want to hear it?” How many times I say that? Why?

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