

 The medical board just sit in to listen, we didn’t have the 基礎科目 air on the video until very very late ....

They happen to receive it. Because if everything else they finish investigating, they have more technical nature on each of every one of the subjects.

They can choose not to use YOUR Bible book to find out what’s the friends ?

Because it would be ONLY the Millitary issues with the Bible problem. It’s too clear on the Book, just they didn’t tell me about it. Then if the medical board actually went ahead following everything on time, I would be told what I assume they want to say on my friends practices !

I don’t have problems with them keeping their jobs, but I know you medical board might. 

And you? 

When you gonna be a mature person supposed to do things ? Or think like you should? Because they didn’t have to go far on investigating the millennium effects if there is something they throw on the TV?

It’s between you and me, you find out my birthday and the name by a merely card, called initiation card.

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