
Do you ...

 Do you watch movies?

No I don’t. 2014 I start watching movies. I have seen some, not a lot.


No, I don’t listen to the music.Apple release a MacBook has no CD-ROM or whatever that’s thin in 2006. Whatever they say, that’s about right.

What do you do for fun?

Nothing, I work on a lot of things, some Tesla rumors he works a lot to exhaustion, that’s about right.

You meditate?

That’s the instruction. 

You do fasting ?

I have done that, gradually built up days to weeks. My goal was not about the fasting, the gallbladder was packed.

Where do you learn singing ?


You don’t sing occasionally at home?

No, I don’t.

Do you like singing ?

No, I hate singing.

You don’t do anything else?

Walking long distance for air, there are some exercise I do. To built up gallbladder pressure. I found out it works very well.

Are you a doctor?

No, I am not a doctor.

Why did you want to do that?

Because I had nothing else to do, I had that very much attract to my attention to almost all things was on the medicine. 

Why didn’t you go to the medical school?

What I learn is not exactly they teach at the present school. Not exactly like that. My English I just cannot pass their grades.

Any food you like?

Not really. It’s all about the same. But I eat them. 

Because of the fasting ?

Because of those procedure to get the entire body to work out gallbladder stones, my taste bugs changes. And I repeat too many times, many years I go on that. The intake of the food or soy sauce for example one drop, it was killing me. As that cycle goes, I don’t like the food anymore. Now I am here, because too many works and I am not in the US, I have nothing to work on. I have to go purchasing different tinctures or things I know what to do. Now I have you as a problem, I just don’t bother doing that anymore. 

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