
If you decide to own a land

 If you decide to say you own Simon, or Chinese, or Disciple territory, you have to actually think how to own them, like you earn them.

Chinese is a communism, but you really like to own them like just your name destine to initial at. You went to Europe because in Florida you run off America for destroying the water front, or what were you making there? A new landscape ? 

You then went to Europe to settle there. I didn’t see EU written in a Chinese label you are an English passport, but settle at Menton, somewhere south of France, that’s not France, isn’t ? SMC

Without the H? I turn side way how to read H or 工 without ? Europe without the Chinese?

You are teaching me a brand new languages like I don’t have the subject taught right in my mind. You suppose to be an expert in this.

You cannot own them because they can watching the movies to think that’s 2000 related event or 911? There must be something it connects to their memory issues, and you decide to “better to talk to me”, or simply one initiation card with my 生辰八字 while entering your front door, you decide it’s time to Act? 

You have a reason why you spend the time and the money to open a brand new public channel on Satellites? Does ET wants to tell me, you would attack them from the Satellite communication unintentionally ? It’s outside space ! Do you know what’s a satellites 🛰?

Just the Internet ?

Maybe the way I smell things isn’t exactly how you lock it your disciples at their territory ... you want or your liking cannot be a dishonest decision you just whip in your head - “That’s what I want to do”!

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