
Your participation changed the movie industry !

 You didn’t just flood the world spiritually, you actually go ahead to push yourself into the movie industry !!! That would be the ET saying, I don’t even need to know what they or Babaji says !

You want to be getting mails!!! With none stop watching the movies !!

What did you say you start the Taiwan ocean business 1986 again? You register a zen name Buddhist association ....and 1998, you formally introduce yourself TO the US Hollywood !!!

You push 2014 to be the OU years, do I need to go to YOUR mighty Angel to say, you reset the time on tribulations and rapture ?

Do you know your character at all? Can you see yourself ? Truly seriously ?

What did you do?

Unlock the water, flood the whole land, collect enough golds,  push the Hollywood to speak up about YOU, and directly command the Angel to reset the Time on tribulation !

Can you see? Do you reflect at all? You really think that’s a nice looking act? 

Your acting is like never grown up kids. You gonna say, you heard it wrong, you thought they speaking about you, and you by accident become their movie characters for the rest of your life, and you could participate the venture, and be in the story !!!

Those are careless action you want you hope you wait you pray you really really needed that attention !!

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