

 I didn’t have the heart to care what exactly you brings a group in your own liking or governing, but if like you saying 你吃定了中國徒弟. It must be you like it how they call you 師父?Any words that makes you soothing that the American don’t? Whatever this 中國儒家思想,尊師重道,俠情薄義、爽朗快博?

Are you actually very sure you chain them just right on their neck like you owe them a responsibility ? 

They owe you 師資聰明?I have no ideas what words to use !! Apparently everything you did was by, you so sure you doing it right all this time ....they cannot understand you like I used to? Do they care what exactly you are doing on your TV, a sudden change of the heart to a public announcement, not because it’s been 20 years passing the 2000, you finally could BREATH? 

I don’t know them! You suppose to really really know them !!

Do they use the electronics? I often hearing them selling their furniture in the US always equip with the computers, are they Apples? 

Do you actually want them to find out


You don’t really want them to find out?

You make up you mind just like you playing a spelling games, maybe I use telepathy in the Ageless time, there is NO WORDS? I cannot spell? And you and Apple competing who spelling faster to sink into the mind of the public? 

Is that something I want to know? You ask? 

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