
I am busy ...🛎🛎🛎🛎ADD beat that medical committee board. Elimination system are not reproduction system...if you meant the pregnant women the poo to heal or period to blood?

 Elimination system are your body detox on itself in the form urine, sweat and tears. You can tell they are liquid, or you gonna tell me gas? Carbon dioxide from your nose is another pathway...you want to re-write the textbook to find? Why carbon dioxide is toxic and need to exhale? You use oxygen ....I lost my memory why carbon dioxide is breathing out...I Google it, yes....where are the people across me on this ipad? If you seat there, I cannot breath or think ? I lost my memory blank out !! Yes, the plant does that. Not the restaurant, the same name. The green leafy plant Prince Charles and Prince William should have so many party over there in England what is a forest ? They air themselves on the commercial ...

Elimination process is not a reproduction process...you produce a baby, cannot possible getting rid of it by eliminating at? I cannot talk ...

You eliminate the waste in the toxic form, or formats ? That your body will not store the toxic things inside your body in the form of fat!! Not ATP!! Your sugar or fat turns into energy ? ATP is not an energy sauces? Then what’s your breathing needs a energy ....like for sex? You exercise ? You need your energy to stay function when taking me test, you need energy to eat food your mouth chewing it down, you need the energy to let your muscle run on errand to jump, leap, bounce ...you need energy to yawn, the pulling muscles of your mouth? You need energy to stay alive, you body is energetic healthy looking on the skin glow? That’s the elimination system organs, kidney filtering the blood 3/4 per day. Your entire body. Your face like my face detox glow more pale on my video ? That’s glowing, not vampire pale? You cannot tell, I can. I had photos. It’s in the skin. You drink a lot of water to give your body hydration, or you want to tell me you don’t know what a basic chemistry saying in you getting a hydration ? Your urine is? Less? You dehydrated badly Karen Adria see Dean in the gym ever? I run. Not him?

Your water balance in the body is to do with the entire elimination process. Kidney, bladder, urinary tracts that’s connects the kidney to the bladder. You just look at on the diagram. Kidney on top. It’s the adrenal, both them. Exist. I feel them when I took wrong things on the detox. I know which adrenal feel it, it’s on your back, not pretending me you have a sensation at the front...it’s on your back. Same is your kidney location. If someone hit you on purpose like someone did, a foolish Taiwanese girl initiate ...you know that’s my kidney...she is one of those saying she is a health expert ...in trying to help as SMCH disciples ...you don’t beat people there, it’s kidney there. 

Yes, I will have pain one drop of sauce sauce. It was very bad. But that’s has nothing to do with you ever ...

Reproduction system you say it’s women mostly, because pregnancy are just women goes to see the doctors by the mandatory time, 3 months, by weeks, by interval of 3? It’s 9 months supposed to be? Your horoscope study ? Keanu loves horoscope...you see him yet?

You reproduce a baby. So you say it’s a reproduction system, with the organs, lining, pathway tubes looking when the eggs coming out. One egg. Not eggs. You cannot look on the diagram. It draws two ovaries or something ? Symmetry ? You are a bilateral creature by the bone !! And the inside it’s all system set, how amazing ....you define anatomy and physiology textbook...you want to look up words in definition when I say human body are bilateral ? You turn side way...on painting Hallie? That’s not bilateral ? Reptilian, greys, you cannot see outside to say “bilateral” you have to dissect them inside to see they are bilateral ? Legal department on CSI department 🛎🛎🛎🛎🛎🛎🛎

I have enough with this...you should know very clearly every words I say TO ALL OF YOU!

Babaji: bad bad bad bad bad

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