
Period pain - when you girls got upset, daily, angry, you go back to your room or offices, you ever eat something ? Yesh, I am asking what exactly you put inside your mouth ?

 ... ...the guys they say ....no, those are not the things we say about the period pain. You have a system inside and around the pelvic area. Pelvic structure are?? Your bones that sits the base of your nerves system. If you cut of the nerves from your body, you will never have a pain anymore, just eat and taste at the mouth pallets. Purely eating, no pain.

Babaji: that’s the period pain, Eben?

... ...period pains are cramps. On the front. You want a quick remedy to relief the pain, not changing anything in your life. You are used to live the way you want, daddy’s credit card line.

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