
Lalla? What about lalla ? I Anna went with Babaji on purpose to block Les Brown ? That’s not what I said !

 You mean I do that on every groups in Eben’s friends called them optimistic groups, you were all here witness I would do ? Exactly I do things to Eben slowly that Lalla will completely vanish no sound no ash? Oh? You observe that ? I Anna don’t say for a long time ...occasionally I say? What does that mean ? You go flat kneel on the guys, I am not going into your world. What ? If Lalla what knows? She will cry? No more friends? The way I give all them all no options but flat ? Oh? I didn’t tell them flat...I say grade report ....what ? The way I say it, I will ? Know exactly makes everyone disappear to the hell Buttom of the pit ....oh ? You believe that ? And I don’t care a bit you think you say you make up lies to hurt to complain, and if you dare to vent ? Like 5 years old ? It’s I sent my photo all around the world ?

Babaji: you don’t care about Lalla, that’s what they mean.

I cannot understand what they are saying. What’s they now life to do with Lalla?

Babaji: Les Brown

I did something ?

Babaji: no.

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