
Ola, this is 2nd time we talk about smallvile immigration by comet year 2000. You hear the 70 times, you will know ...what’s a SIlas psychology kisses me meant he is the king ? More acceptable to go back to Portland

 That’s all the commander-in-chef does ...longevity meant it’s to step by step reaching to the infinite. You think when you will tell your parents you are more acceptable ABC like my Mark ABC but you in Portland ? Real ABC Portland? Did you ever go to Portland ? They have Youtuber ? You laugh at their means making jokes to make money for Hailey’s father to spent tickets to come ...right now you contempt every tiny things we do in a very tiny self sufficient island, you care ? The monetization to the real living expense by web design ? I know you ...you are old souls, new age words to sound pleasing magic charm to delude others in testing them the exact methods I say procedures...you blank out? I say you Ola design tests for kids to bring them new world power up.

Babaji: yeah.

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