
The Time traveler’ s wife - I have seen it so many times; the notebook girls, she called Nikolas spark? Like yell out? It’s Bible. 聖旨 Chinese words -emporor decree

 She learns time travel ? Walk in the woods not to fall? Do they train too? Hollywood so big of name. Time travels are Kerry they say Nazi parallel universe ...we never can change our time here, how come classify keep having they say time things ? Like close my website, like close the 夢幻遊戲 book, you go back to the real world to live, how to apply college? That’s 2 timelines for real. It’s intuitive ...I know many cannot afford it. ...what’s 結紮in English ? The guy tie knots no more kids. The guys can use patch, I have heard and they say it’s better if you can convince the guy to do it. It’s from Europe something because ...the European is more open than the US.

Babaji: yeah?

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