
方方 My cousin is like Ola, opening a store waiting others to beg her to go there talking ...or else she soak in lesbian loves ex games to make a scene daily, writers 🛎🛎🛎🛎🛎🛎🛎

 My uncle might be on my phone, which he will know I talked to the hospital, type it. But not the website. No, he needs she my cousin, the owner of the gluten free restaurant “Plant” to talk to me like we are play mates like we used to grow up together to introduce each other’s friends from the military, or Anna takes her to go to Annca place to buy lots car...loads cars from the military here to park off those “one line” why you are there for on the map? With Hotel Anna calls there ...her father is the military doctors. It’s called publicaly the military hospital. It’s not hidden, it’s in the name “3 armies hospital” (sea, land, air ) - there are associates to talk to each other that Anna can sort issues directly with the military , not with the hospital...her face cannot pull down (Chinese saying 方方的臉拉不下來)

Babaji : bad 

Two people have no voice, Dean dead, Ola that witch the Lords of Rings, Portland ABC on purpose pass 35+forgetting her memory....that’s on design doing on purpose. Everyone can see that witch !!

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