
Tell me what you know about the pain killer, chemistry ?? Is pain killer release into your blood after your stomach digest the capsule ...it sip through the bloods to the entire body nerves system, NOT just pelvic area you feel cramp front?

 Pain killer like ibuprofen? Telano ? You use tablet or capsule ? Yeah ...the guys uses at their sports injure probably a lot more to their body size and height ? You girls ? You release a concentrated single dose of chemical formula, chemical compound into the blood stream from head to the toe blood stream, the pain killers got storage at the brain cell, toe cells, kidney cells, liver cells, stomach cells...as fat patrify the toxic in as part of the storage fat in the future to be released into usable energy ? Do the cell storage waste like these toxic ? In the form on your big fat abdomen ...look at it, these are fat? Fat cells? Are they fats you wants to get rid of? If you don’t eat and drink only juices...you feel dizzy ? Is that your body fat got “dissolved” with the toxins all released in the blood stream, sent to your brain, dizzy, toxic, drink more juices, urinated out day to day for 3 weeks on fasting no food? Ever? You don’t know you get dizzy when you fasting ...just because you feel dizzy by no food? No. Things got released into the blood will always affect your brain. This is not your textbook. Check it?

Babaji: yeah?


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