
I knew MH, he is known in the cure zone. I am explaining to Eben. Only he cares about this things. I only heard him answering, it’s all him, there is no Dr Christopher’s name in it.

 No, you follow the US new protocol, and new high tech product protocol. You suppose to come and ask me in person in details. You start from zero. I started was from zero. No one knows Dr Christopher. He only got introduced with a biography and his testimony. You suppose to follow the real protocol I say you read Curezone !! There are sequence to do things, there are works if your memory holds, you needs others holding you every steps ? If the military doesn’t try out what I mean new high tech products and new protocol? You follow your study like memory ? Like taking it to the market to sell to Dr Gabriel’s clients ? I just told you, you CANNOT! The medical does not allow, the pharmaceutical does not allow. The citizen has to have a herbalist women like mid European time history tell you how a herbalist comes from. It’s from the women home to harvest the herbs. You don’t read? There is a patient dead on Dr Gabriel’s wiki. You want to go and investigate it like your own future doing new protocol, if I teach you exact steps? This month we did twice Meds tests ...and ? The scale? Or scaling ? The fish? That’s a verb. Do you suppose to know Dr Christopher is from the military, Anna say it very very clear to you, you make it to the exact military standing !! They ask you to must be ! Especially with these stuffs ? They didn’t force me, it was my hobbit !

Babaji: oh?

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