
Brain chemistry is neuron mechanism mix with the reaction, there are bloods in it, in Chinese is very known 腦出血, it has much much blood in it

 Chemistry is a reaction forward backward equilibrium you learn in school ? Is Brain chemistry chemistry reaction like bio-living creature enzymatic reaction ? Blood vessel are tubes. It’s very fine when it reaches to the top of the brain compares to the artery...what is that called again ? 微血管 ...if you look up on the diagrams. What’s 腦出血?it will not be artery you know? Why you even care if the blood vessel is an internal bleeding inside a brain besides a martial artist broke you internal body not the brain in pieces blood flood internal, not the brain, and not seem external ? One is the brain inner bleeding, one is the body internal bleeding if you believe an ancient martisl artist legands and tales from the TV, you cannot seen outside wound ...like bruises? Uhm? Just asking you an opinion of it. Brain is the most functional sensible place besides the nerves central...because if you mix up the wrong reaction inside a brain, it’s permanent disable ? Partial hearing, partial vision ? Partial memory ? Partial balance ? Is the balance “inside a brain”? Of course. It’s below under ? The part of the brain has a name 大腦. Nerve, blood, muscles ...are the body component you see in a very very red muscle shape like diagram. It’s a whole body pictures, you will feel very disgusting because it’s from the toe to the head, all red, it’s all blood. Yes, that’s correct. Your body is filled with the blood vessels everywhere to carry red blood cells for oxygen to deliver reaction process that the cells breath on and eliminate carbon dioxide to carry back to the lung. Meaning it’s emitting to the air, you called it exhaling. You will know and tell me what’s inhaling mechanism starting at the lung? The structure above the lung is 支氣管, it is airy. Meaning it’s only air entry, not liquid drinking down you choke on the lung while talking and eating ? That’s 支氣管. It carries the air down to be process by the body, to transport to the entire circulation system, that you delicate your text book chapter at? You wish to mark it? It’s not nerve system, not lymph system, it’s circulation system. Oxygen and carbon dioxide to do with the blood ? Not airy ? It is airy. The blood is the circulation system. I just told you that artery and 微血管 pathway ? You have the blood, you will have a circulating nutritions and waste pathway to the brain and all organs to do their specific jobs. Every organ has a process jobs? Heart beat? Gallbladder secret bile store in the liver to ready put in the GI track - the digestion system. All these system, you book mark in your textbook yet. it’s just the system. Brains process your thinking. It’s neuron related pathway...fire and run? Signal means. You do know what’s fire, run, signaling means ? Meaning neurons are active all the time. You are alive, they have to be active all the time, you are process your thinking, doubts, fear, sense of insecurity in the forms of illusion, it’s by the grace of heavenly given speed of nerves that allows you to have all those stupidity to doubts my words ingrain in your brain on a memory recall issues with this paper on brain chemistry ? Title? It’s brain chemistry related. Brain breath on oxygen, without a circulation system, you brain dead? You sure the brain needs a circulation system? You sure?

Babaji: okay (glooming)

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