
Babaji - what I didn’t tell if Babaji has to come into a human form ?

 What didn’t I tell if Babaji comes into a human world to tell ?

Maybe like ...I mentioned a lot of people’s name starting 5 Lord.

Lord like the husband in the ancient. Why I mentioned this people’s name is not just watching their song or movies or TV shows. I take it as simple as let’s just watching the TV together. I didn’t hide the name. I told you all the names. No, I prefer to leave them at where they are exactly what they are with what they do.

Something more I didn’t tell? If Babaji comes to tell ?

Yogananda on the TV looks like he drinks. He looks at her lustfully, he desires her. It’s not a good look. It’s probably every interaction that he across her like Babaji if were women, Yoganada is someone she really fed up chasing behind her. If he gonna die and she gonna turn into purple, her ideal is let it be so. That’s how crappy she feels toward him. 

She just wants he stopping wasting time with her.

Stop in between her and me white robe guy.

Stop saving her, she doesn’t need people to save her 

She says whom she loves so stop bothering her 

She wants to kill that girl like SMCH just like she wants to finish Yogananda but he is stopping her killing SMCH.

Etc etc...we go by the TV script.

Any other things Babaji wants to say? She has everything money, clothing, camera, people all around her. That’s not solitude. It’s not right looking to him to say let’s start a love games. There are people paying her attentions. She has to lose all of them, and start again this Anna has many people on the book. Tell him again she is not envy and jealous everything Anna can make it on her own in the communication to trash others wall by her own writing. She shooting down the entire world down and no one knows, she does not understand what’s starting from zero to build things and loses them. Because all these junks disciples she collects all these years are for her uses, not for Anna. The attention is for her selfish purpose, these things whatever Anna do, does not count. Any punishment is not right done, the time is not rip to do this judgement. She got helper. If she lost all the assistance of the Power in the air helping her to call herself God, her height and her own look with a black hair, no one ever cares for her. That’s not the judgement. You got everything in your grisp. She argues with Anna what not to do...because she feels feels feels she got options to do things differently. It’s all wrong. Eben comes in or not coming in this time is irrelevant. It’s not time yet, she got everything, understand ? She is not losing it all. When he Babaji says ALL, it means ALL!!!

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