
Military question : after life, this life ...(do you keep my family photo to continue the Judgement days?)

 You mean you have to read all these books and ...everyone 194 country police people like you have to do them, read them and process them. And you have this funny feeling if it’s T sign book, as if after life he is like a God like Venus book speaking of their high develop civilization and many UFO, many classify, ET stories...and Bible all sounds like another world. The universe mystery. 

You wonder “If 2000 years long time to wait for a judgement day was just only mean this One Life we process the book, we read, we evaluate ...what’s next?”

Meaning you don’t think God just take 2000 years to speak to her but to speak to all of us too.

“Because Coco movies had this after life bridge as if saying the family reunion is real. It sounds strange because it’s almost impossible if everyone just toss back in the reincarnation right away to birth somewhere else...”

I know what you are saying. 

You mean you feel this time, this Death might meant a little different because of Bible last for the 2000 years to speak of our life here. You wonder if there is more they without saying.

You want to try out the hunger games, or the Japanese comic book Red River that sort? Or if you wonder the life after that will continue ?

I used to tell you a story, I don’t know if you believe in me .... someone came from a far away distant land, might be different galaxy. They heard the rumor there is a prophecy decent on this Earth planet through the Bible. The approximate time is 2000 years. So just before the year 2000, they came and they visit and pay attention what’s on the Television that may make an announcement from the government behind. They don’t know if the rumor is true. They are just the travelers that conceals their identity to come to this planet and to await the proper moment to witness the coming of the King.

Do you... believe that story that I told you?

Are you going to follow what they do if you gonna live another 2000 years somewhere else and go to the planet that awaits a prophecy like a celebration?

What do you think their ideal of death means to them? And why they have come?

Think about it.

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