
⭐️⭐️⭐️Simon Cowell and the ladies⭐️⭐️⭐️

 Simon, you ...remember you had a girlfriend that’s black ?

Then you engage with someone named Hussian ?

Then while you were engaged to Lauren, you donate the money to the Israel army? My Israel Israel? 

On the news! Simon... can you tell me how did you end up with a black girl ? If your company does not come out to say a word, there are a lot of strange things I would tell them I observed.

You were a white boy that had a father that has money and company. Sinitta was a black singer and you two were dating .... can I try to understand if your parents try to talk you out of this? A black black girl, not just a black girl. You feel something different exciting you in life?

Then your engagement to Husain was another testimony you have your politics interests ? You just cannot verbalize ?

Early 2013 they had a news you have 2 weeks you want to shut off all your phone ...and ready to die. I was waiting in quene with the You Generation, that’s between your company and YouTube’s collaborate work  ...I finally sent you my audition, and by June, there was a soccer game, Lauren was somehow pregnant that time? I count the time, you know when in the summer, you two found she was pregnant on the news and you flew to her husband to settle a divorce in NYC? And by next year Feb 2014, your son was born on Valetines’s Day. Your newspaper have a brand new image, two dogs, a wife and a son. Different from a video you used to make yourself walk down the isle with yourself to be married on the invitation card. Everyone saw that video assuming, you were not going to marry, Simon. Is that ...a Buddhist doctrine, you marry to yourself? Self realization ?

In my hands, I have 100+ military waiting me a brief summary how you have a chest heart on Tony Stark in the Iron man ...I have a briefing I made to your company Syco, did you do these? Do you want to know what do I think if I can write them down already? You know you got a Daniel Radcliffe file!

You Simon ...married to a Jewish with her family image that they are all Jewish, not a black. 

Do you have an image issue on your mind, Simon? Like you “prefer” in the public, you will look nice in front of everybody? Do I Anna look like I have an image issue if I don’t look nice in the public ? You know what I mean. Do you care about the image, Simon? So why did you go with a black girl when you were young, Simon? A white boy going with a black black girl ? Because she is famous and if you two dating, it excited you? Do you know you have the news how you bring together a yacht of women including Lauren that time, you were not yet engaged, walking all together on the newspaper a photo?

Do you have a problem sleeping with a black skin women ? Skin to skin? Like I told everybody Mahavatar Babaji is an Indian, dark tone skin. They cannot hear me if I have a preference? Not just because he is a Master, a heavenly God to me?

You were a rich family kid putting up a company and you slept with your company singer and she is a black !! You didn’t go and find a doctor or a lawyer to sleep with... you love the music that much or fame or image or something ? What makes you decides your life will glue to a black skin women? And you end up back to a Jewish to Jewish traditional family marriage/engagement, now you become more millions in the bank, a bigger fame in the world to 100 licensing country your show...you went back to a full Jewish image ?

Didn’t all hear what I said yesterday, I said you had a tendency leaning to Buddhism but shrink back to Judaism ? I specifically said that’s your company Syco shape you a public image...you hear what I said?

And? Harry Potter dance with the Indian girl and Neville was dancing with the Genie.

You married to a Genie in the end of Harry Potter?

And you were ready to die, holding a stone to see all the people shows up.

100+ military doctors do not know where I am going with this ? Does Syco wants a public statement either you made it all that yourself or they recommend you all that themselves ...because the 2013 newspaper of your 2 weeks disappear !! 

But there is a movie, that’s “Two Weeks Notice” ! Do you like to see Hugh Grant now? He looks like JC CHASEz when he had a curls hair? My ancient Chasez ? That’s a .. what story?

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