
🎵☔️🏠🦕🌟😀 2013 Simon news on Suicide

 Do you remember you had a Suicide news just before you launch the You Generation, Simon? Within a year, you got a good girl from your best friend, two dogs, a son and family good image last up to now. Your company needs that image to change that news, you had a suicidle tendency ? You mean you are one of those rich famous people who supposed to be on drug, alcohol and somehow kill themselves with the entire family “kill your darling” and “ QI” on Harry Potter Daniel Radcliffe profiles ?

They ask Eben or they ask me?

If they ask me if Eben gonna go dying, I think my conversation with him will be over immediately. 

I don’t talk to you, Simon, or I don’t talk to your Dinosour offices you all are on keypads? 

No, I decide to tell Eben about it. Maybe you need a doctor too. I am not your doctor anymore this life.

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