
Simon your question beyond military 194 countries, the family photo

 Do you know it’s 7 years pass?

Do you see Keanu photo and you yourself photo ?

Remember I said Justin told all of us that boy band does not go beyond 30 in the industry? NSYNC don’t look like what they used to look.

However, these 194 country every year has the new orientation table. It’s EVERY YEAR.

Eben ? He has the identification marks on his face like I have a clear hair identification, or my heart has a scarf like Keanu movie in Earth stand still. The identification mark for them so young could distinctly understand who is so and so.

No, I don’t actually know in what age they start training people at the military behind. I assume some started in a very young age. 

This case is some people whole life cases, they have to live, breath, watch news, movies, tv, books...everyday surrounding our groups characters. There are only few of us I loudly call out the name. It’s not a lot of us.

What? How do they review?

Pretty much just like I told you on various subjects. You willing to say it, they listen. They won’t force you to do anything. They sort their family photo themselves to fit the image better. 

Each person get our own space in where they collects the words you say or the photo you took etc. anything you have it counts. 

Correct, they will not see you like the iron man if that review coming back pointing back to me for what I did all these years. I don’t know that speed of reviewing because I have not talked to you at all, today is the first time I work on it.

Do they like you? You mean 194 country? They have other people on the watch list. Eben like I told them is just one of the entrepreneurs. It’s just Eben positioning himself before this movie things has happens - his video left on the YouTube has a lot of content. Value and contents. He actually does what he teaches to the public. The internet was just booming those time.

Now? I think the younger generation they are different. Their value is different. They might care about the content more than the gossipers news that were generated online. Those review rating probably stay very low to their liking. I actually don’t know the youth mind. How the internet niche market might also be different, because in the real youth today world like my world, or nick’s world...he actually spent money on the internet people. The public how they spent their money will generate different watch list for the military behind. If they spent the money at all? If they can get things free online, why pay for it?

So on so forth.

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