
I am watching Iron man 1

 I am watching it right now. Does that mean, you Simon looking for an exit through Iron man?

Didn’t you try to look up if that comet coming in was not your contract faults? Because we had another comet in 2013, are they going to come every round of time? You sure that contract you just gonna ignore it? 

Well, just the movie ...you want an exit so you look for a spiritual road? Your whole life was not delicate your faith in God and suddenly you needed it, so you think it’s about time to learn something new? You are 61.

Can you explain to me why you go with a black black women when you could have so many other options? You does not care the skin touches the skin because your family have money and you were making money ... hippi people do that kinda of sex, drug, excitement crazy dance things. Meaning trying something new and be different seen. And in the end, we all see you care about the real family value was through Jewish. You cannot just have a Jewish value starting when you were young?

No! You had a mood decision the one day seeing you with a black girl, another day engaged an make-up artist ...why a make-up artist? There is no rich family daughter that has a better career and an education background to be your date? You feel inferior in your background or something? You made a news on the television. So the engagement was off. You had an affair with your best friend wife?? You knew you gonna get her or that’s another plan, your life is full of your idea, you gonna make it right, once for all? 

You were all on the vacation on a boat, and you slept with the girl that has a husband and you invited all these same girls to the yacht ...I read and I saw the photo. You keep all of them in touch ? You were like a Muslim or something before you got engaged to Lauren ? I saw the photo I saw it.

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