
Babaji if we talk about Eben. No, he just does things like Eben

 No, that’s not what I said. I said if there is another role, playing equal with me and Babaji. He who could does his will ... the third party. I can look, that does not mean I see people have that quality. 

Babaji has a personality okay? I don’t question why he has that. If he says so, that’s well so.

That “another role” could be multiple names I mentioned but none I have seen them educated enough in life. So I never mention Babaji has a will like that. Because it’s not doable.

He constantly has that since very early on when we met. The subject about Sex. But because the current man and woman anatomy is not fitted to say pleasure activity through sex, I just erase that probability what he said. It’s painful thing in life. But if let’s say, this judgement last after we all die, we become a different sphere of living structure. That kind of new human, then talk about the physical pleasure called sex. Right now on this Earth, the sex to women is not like they describe in the novel saying. Those things are not real.

What do I think Babaji meant? We don’t really talk about it. Now I know it’s about Tibetan practices ...I take it as that’s just how it is, no more no less. 

If saying there will be more severe punishment after this one life, I can say it’s possible. I just don’t bother thinking about it. 

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