
🖼♾️💗🤕️🎁📜 Purna SMCH

 I called SMCH Purna, I didn’t call you or your office people you are a Purna no matter what that iron man looks like to me.

This is a surviving world. Me and Babaji two big parents telling her SMCH to go, we haven’t seen her leaving yet. She is rich just like you Simon rich. She knows she has to die so she asked others to make her die quickly. But if she is putting into a normal situation she didn’t cause the flood, she might actually enjoy to spend all that money. She just loves money! Love that life what the money can offer her. 

Do I want to know if she has a suicidal tendency? She is gambling if she keep living, she gonna find an exit now she finally saw me, did I stop her finding an exit? I tell her to go and shut off your flooding problems. She is already everywhere a mess of herself...I actually don’t care how much percentage she heard I say things as long as she just keep herself sitting there and listening ?

King of King’s Purna

Or Buddha’s Purna?

I would expect my side of Purna under a normal circumstance will have a will to live !!! 

I have no idea what you are made of, Simon. Your office people should know that perfecrly. I explain clearly I didn’t see your image, I saw SMCH as Purna. As for why Iron man is iron man wearing a suit and be everyone’s super hero? Your entire offices people if they think my head cannot function, they can come and argue with me why I didn’t give you Simon a title. 

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