
Eternal Love - Mahavatar Babaji 墨淵

  Will I think Mahavatar Babaji coming back alive in the real human form? No.

Do I wish to see him in the human form ? No.

He has sex with me and I don’t want to demand an explaination? 

... ...I revere Saints like him. If he would draw a dream and let me forgetting what he has done, I am willing to take that. I am more in fear to God and Master like him Deathless In Legand and from directly India. My concept of our relationship cannot pass that. But I understand it’s Tibetan lineage and the judgement day like a time now. So I just tell you if he talks but I won’t go and initiate a conversation with him. I would sometimes thought maybe he is NOT that bad of a person after all and thank him for a while. 

Just sometimes. 

But no, I won’t want to see him coming alive. It means a lot of things to India. 

I am not ready for India. 

Right now it’s everything online, I just verbally telling you and writing to you. Swami from India or monks from China can only just hear about a rumor I said and seen a TV to speculate. It’s not solidify in telling people, here is a real Mahavatar Babaji and here is Anna me standing next by him like the TV shows and go and actually see all the India Swami Order or Chinese Buddhism order?

If people’s mind staying in doubts with me and Babaji. I actually could live like that.

You just want to hear the message, not that I really go and become a Buddha and Babaji hold my hands to go and tell India and Chinese spiritual Order about it? 

No, I am not ready for that. You might like the fame, festivity and offering stuffs to make ...

I cannot really tell you how I really feel we can just sort that Bible quick without the Title? They lent the position to me for opening my mouth to do some works. I am happy I can work things out, but I only works things out because I like to work. I won’t go escaping the rumor but I am not ready Babaji shows up and tells both India and China, why he is on the television both in Flower Thousand Bone and Eternal Love. I can say to you he shows up. But I really don’t like to tell you the intimacy part like the TV. You gonna publically denounce Yogananda. And Babaji gonna go and say it all to everyone if he comes alive?

I didn’t really critique Yogananda, no, I don’t want the others to feel there is a gap between the Mastership people. 

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