
What do I gonna do with Eben?

 I actually need Eben. It’s not true my attitude don’t needs him. 

One is for Legally Blonde, no idea what that means.

Second, there is two stories I read from the Chinese looks like him. If the US says one thing, I might say I move back to Asia, don’t bother with it. But if it’s on the Secrets and China, so near by India ...I actually need to find a way to actually asking Eben what I want to ask him - like how did he live his life? What kinda of God he believes in ...there must be a reason they keep airing him. 

It is a little rude to ask him how did he start the dating business ...to understand women is that because of Apple? Like he rather chose to spent his entire life to pursue something he could only hear about from Apple? Yeah if I could ask him, I might. Did he believe in God, did he love the idea God might exist? Etc etc ...I need to find things out. But until I found it out these answer by actually confront him, I have no other ways to sort these. These are just stories and statement we made it to assume. It may not be true. 

Third Babaji. This is probably more difficult part. 

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