
I think Simon you just get a therapist

 If you don’t want to talk to your classmate, you can still get a therapist in your life. Simon.

These girls you dated for, do they have a brain or just a superficial life, live, breath, eating food and looking at the camera to posture and click, made of another newspaper? Your company hiring people must have a brain to sort these movies with you. 

You rather choose a life to be with the a superficial no-brainy women, just have fun in life to join your venture how to smoke, wine and fine dining experience in party for years after years that you called your rich people life... if you don’t built your intelligent, after certain age, you gonna lose your mind to disease. 

Didn’t I tell you, there is a family photo effect all around the world? The children education needs to see someone they can look up for in life with a brain. Like a super hero. But I think after anyone review you, you have a character built up issues. Westinghouse is known superficial. It’s written. I just didn’t know you care about the face a lot more including you could go to playboy house for a fun. You need to have fun in life. I need to work in my life, Simon. 

You already fail in many crucial things to examine your character ...this family photo is all you left with all your francy girlfriends or financee in line to show the world the rest of you. 

I don’t mind people to have fun in life. I don’t really have fun in my life this far. I work a lot. For you to imagine what kinda of a character to build up for a spiritual life....Simon, those movies are just movies. Things grander than the movies are many thousand folds. You need to have a solid ground to built up, you don’t have that much time left. 

To find an exit, I would rather you just keep going with your life like you promise Lauren and a son and two dogs. Keep up a good photo shooting for 194 country people. That’s it. I don’t see anything good of you unless you want to argue you have a talent in negotiation to the business. 

If you and my negotiation fail, my name is your Jewish God. Everyone else’ name does not meant a dime to this Judgement Day.

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