
You think that’s a terrible show?

 She is just more expressive. When you had some photo with Eben, I also think you are very express about yourself. 

When Nick used to go to seminar in the 90s, I always hear about how people join the party ...

I always talk about you ? Eben has to be grouped here, meaning no matter what’s he did right or wrong, I as the head household, has to tolerant any decision he decides with his life. With you, you are part of the outsider. It is not very kind to say, but there are not that many people in the Buddhism I have to group it, with Eben, correct, I would have to care for him on his ground more than with you. It’s a free express society, I will just tell you about it. But I still talking to you.

No matter what he Eben does, Buddhism has to be his home, for that part, I would always takes his liking more than the others. No matter he is right or he is wrong. Same like ma’am Ching Hai too. I listen to what she had to say more.

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