
You doubt this, you doubt that me and Babaji, you doubt Eben and the story I said.

 Your immediate thing is to go and be dead.

You will have no more doubts like how it supposed to be. 

It’s China’s compassion, they say I Anna go and sit as the Esteem on the seat to lectures you. 

That’s not the true reality I Anna knows a fact since the day 2016 starting the 5 Lord Review. It’s over, and it has been over loooong time ago.

I just let you spent some times doing things with us. No ... I don’t need to tell you why you are late to be dead. Do you hear me? China sissy sassy says there is a job to go and pretending ....I sissy sassy says okay.

And now Babaji sissy sassy says it’s NOT okay.

So we are done. There is no more things for you to do. 

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