
Spiritual Portals, Spiritual Lines, Mars, and Venus

 I don't feel better you are telling a Super huge lies. One day, you gonna explain to me, what you are doing okay?

You putting all the make-up on, or from my side, I have to look at "Others putting all those funny dress on" and make up on, and let's try to sit all together in front of the camera and read the lines as you are....

My conclusion might be just as simple as you are not just way out of the line, you are crazy.

Do you want to tell me, if you trying to tell me, those are lies, for me to know you are talking to me? Human cell 16%? To know everything else are all lies? by telling more lies over them?

I cannot think and functioning like you. You only knew the birthday of my birthday. You knew I am online doing my video....it is later you find out the AC. I understand all that.

While I am absent in lecturing you, what you create on all the DVD for sales, to make money, and colors, editing, and human resources pouring to distribute over the materials might be all Lies?

I hope you have a really good explanation over all that one by one. 

That Winter Song, May God bless you, He did a prayer. Do you hear the prayer, build a ladder to climb on, may you stay?

Do you know what it meant to me as a big Parents as they are?

If they want to shut down your operation, its not hard, they already did that on the Wallace MTV music tapes. One shooting. They did TWICE with the Britney video.

Do you hear clearly every line he was saying? The prayers?

To all the contestents that walk out of the runway? 

Dying your hair black is not the only thing they tell you next ... I hope you understand every word I say to you. Apparently I say too many words already.

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