
SMCH: It’s Love That Counts, March 26, 2021


NSYNC, there is a Torus, he married to Michael. Do I think of you? Not really. Your gossip or your ex husband are men. You might get along with the women, that I would think, yes. Girls are mostly in the nursing so I am in a more Natural Science group. When the school divided us. 

Would I think you are a sinner? No. That word is a little bit too heavy ...if you just stole something. But you did turn on the facet by your unintentionally act. There is a consequence you should know as a grown up mature person. It is like when you grew up, I can talk to you about it. Why did you do that, do you see what has happened around the world? Have you think what would be causing others to heart ache, if they knew about it? 

Do I care about their heart ache? No. Anyone who has grown in a spiritual setting environment, should grow up too.

No, I would NOT think what collective karma, or their individual karma to got into this black magic stuffs? It happens. That's it. I would not think much of that. This is a judgement Time. You or them would ask me about the judgement meant. I can tell you what I think.

If India gives something truly Dark Magic ...that statement does not sound right. But okay, if they or you know how to reflect, then touch the surface of the subject. You understand this process if trying again, you would not do that again! 

Alcohol, I have not drank it. But there is an orange person passing by a wine shop. I follow him or her to see that. Tesla talks about alcohol somewhat. I might in the future. I am not comfortable with that because I never drinks. I don't know how. But for the body, I will take some in the future might be. 

No, I am not practice now. But I still sign in that your card system here. Occasionally. For my mother or wait a bit for my brother. Its probably not possible. I really like him to be exposed to this big groups, like how India would do too for their family type of people. Brotherhood world widely has a supporting roles to one's character building. What you did from the start although was not right, but as a group, you did set up an example for a lot of people.

Money and sin? I think you know how to handle your life, so far, I didn't read that much stuffs on the newspaper or any police reporting you yet? Its good you think about it. 

Do you still want to searching for God? That is the question that I would ask you. If you rule a kingdom with enough gold, that is how you gonna grow. You better know what you were doing. I know we say Bible said your maddeningly wine and toxic stuffs, but you are ruling. Doing things in front of you, you gonna accumulate that entire gold and never touched it to sink the bank on whichever country that sits on? I think you were clever enough so far to cover yourself this life, wait until I got online. You did suffer somewhat, haven't you? 

I am not here to asking you to suffer. 

Before years 2000, about 50 years ago, you were born, to run around on the street. Someone will spot you searching quest to God. Do you understand that? So remember that !

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