
Things I read : as if I went through with it.

 Some people talk about ET or their experience, I used to will have these “going” with them. They talk about the astral projection or seeing poker with the eyes close with a practice nature. As long as they describe it in the language, I have this “going” with what they describe. 

One person did describe the greys lab. There is an image will pop up. I shut off the website, I don’t read that anymore. 

When I investigate 911, crop circle as well as the crystal skull.... there are things that’s not all light all glorious all light workers talks. There are things can fill with evil. Until actually seen it, the world is not paper made like the center people saying Master this Master that, they come in to help you etc etc ...the life is smoother because you pray etc....

Babaji: did you pray that time?


Babaji: why didn’t you?

I just need to stop reading and go back to live my life. Those people they choose to live outside the Millitary or they run away the norm or something to leaking information. 

Babaji: will you think they are heroic ?

Heroic ? That’s a heavy word to use. No, I would not. I remember there is a fact they talk about it. Facts. Things as they describe to me is as that they describe. No more no less. I don’t see photo of whom talking anyway, so it’s just black and white color words “as that”

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