

 Babaji: Tell Eben how did you used to punish people?

In the 5 Lord Reviews, there are half time, one before. One after. First half is only 2 or 3 days ...Second half is 7 months. Victoria Secrets documents my traveling path while I went on God Searching. In Quan Yin methods, before a Quan Yin messenger interview the reason why you want to be initiated into the lineage, I will get an interview by the local contact person. Except, Buffalo we don’t have a contact person. The nearest person was in Rochester. After I got initiated in Toronto, I went to NYC contact person. That’s first day Toronto, second day Rochester, third day New York City so on so forth.

Rochester sound like roaches and they did a girl chewing something with a big hanging but stuffs looks like roaches so that second day punishment I told them was to look for roaches. But because North America weather is dry, you actually don’t have that much of roaches to populate in a whole room for one person to be punished... they have to import roaches but by the third day I say stop, unless it’s everyone does together, we cannot open this. For “unity”. If continue its Ne = you w Y or K. K = liking, Y = Penis. The final day results are chopping pieces til you jump into Bermuda Triangle.

Babaji: I want to hear the chopping pieces parts.

NSYNC has these tapes they tapes on their own clothings while they doing the concert. I change my face color often for that, do it or don’t do it? What should I do?

Babaji: she does not even know a mud person can be glue funny things on the body. Reptilian shows her how the arms can grow back. 

The shooting gay club ...that’s what happened before the 5 Lord review before when I was in the valley. It’s because I open a YouTube clip on Simon farewell American idol.

Babaji: it’s all she knew person on the runway...

It’s by memory ...like I remember where did I go after NYC, I went to Thailand retreat, she gave gifts, I went to Taiwan retreat, them I went to Europe for retreat, them I turn back to a new contact person name Calvin. They show strange person between Debra Rochester contact person til Calvin.

Babaji: she was investigating Sandy hook shooting before...

My best advice is you follow what they tell you. Or else, it’s like living hell to see what’s on the TV counting black and white dress people on the stage one by one, how many that died. I used to read a lot of alternative media stories ...my life that time is filled up with fears already. Because of Tesla nature. Anything with the Millitary is always a stiff nature. It’s not a question. You don’t question them. I can have doubts but it’s not I would go and questions them. Especially, the reptilian or ET business. 

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