
Iron man 3

 ... did we have to talk about it?

The name? In real life, we didn’t do anything, Simon. Nothing. 

The story I tell you, it’s just a story with Tony in it. There are the characters. 

Things happening behind is always the same, they bite me like the pixie, I just bite them back. That’s not the dread part. 5 Lord review was more deteriorating but I am young. They have to lower my age but if not, I will be 40...so I know what I am doing okay?

Did I what ?

There are things I don’t want to talk about it and this end, there is nothing matter to even think about or make a saying at all. It’s 7 years, or 8 years pass since TYG. All people need is to sort these crappy pixie ideas of movies to a proper statement and I am doing it! That’s the story and just stick on that.

You have a big business, I won’t even say I look bloody all the time. They ...okay, there were times, okay? Now it’s one year pass, I got rest. You got injure then it’s your big business you are too busy at. 

You can watch the movie, I can watch the movies the way I want.

How is these story I tell you be told to me? You say how? I live in it.

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