
Wallace - 傾世皇妃 the MTV song

 建華,yeah I did say that’s Dean but I said we...didn’t do anything. Like Eben is Tesla, I am Francis and Dean is Frank? How about I stay I am AC for now? You read the Tesla book on Venus? 他們美國有出版金星跟特斯拉關係的書,裡面有你的師母跟師父(笑傲江湖)

Dean and I are two very very different kinds of people. Did you even get the idea I just look like Americans if I put the make up on? But I am not putting anything except the eye brow! I went to practices like I never really talk about it? Isn’t I become important was mostly because I had the practices in ...pursuing the enlightenment? I don’t like that word. I have to start when to get my meditation back again? Apparently not right now!

Dean is an ukrain background American boy who drinks and play hockey. Does 邪惡小仙童 look right to you even in literacy ? Do I need to buy the Chinese calligraphy set 毛筆硯台 for you?

I have no idea why they look like NSYNC, I only just talked about it. That does not mean I want to go and interrupt others life, 建華!! Rockefeller and me life is not good?

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