
Babaji: she Anna would work exhaustedly every day so we won’t initiate a conversation for 7 straight years ....

 I wrote that down

Babaji: you are still mad

... ...

Babaji: you are the most diligent workers I ever known.

Okay I was mad.

Babaji: good girl.

I don’t really believe telepathy.

Babaji: then what’s now?


Babaji: you just don’t believe it?

You want me to write it down, I will write. That’s it.

Babaji: good 

... ...I don’t normally have an inner communication 

Babaji: you think they have problems, and now you have the problems.

I don’t have the problem. They others might have a problem. 

Babaji: did we have to go on bad terms like this?

.... ... tonight I did try to make it better.

Babaji: no you didn’t. I come to you first.

You are right, I just have many things to sounds whistles and bells.

Babaji: so you should tell me about it.

I rather not, sorry. Words don’t come out.

Babaji: I didn’t stop you.

I know. But thanks. I feel better already.

Babaji: your welcomed !

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