
(P. 3/9) Adam and Eve’s Exile From the Garden of Eden, Feb 11, 2021

 You feel tense, and responsibility? "okay."

God has two kids, Adam and Eve?  " ... ...you might be right, on the Second Heaven, see later explaination."

Fire is not the Light. The sunlight is not fire related.

Iron, clothing....I understand. The Red River.

Where you going? That is after Ramses shows up, another 18 floors Chinese Terminology like Hell.

Is Adam and Eve story, after they fall, they are farmers? You mean Ancient Chinese story on farming? how the Fire started? 伏羲氏

I think you just meant the modern farmers. okay, I heard you.

You believe the energy talks like the New Age energy people touch you and you got drain, or eating food from the neighborhood? I heard you.

(P. 4/9) Adam and Eve’s Exile From the Garden of Eden, Feb 11, 2021

A diamond, an angel, a sword, a river, a push, lost his balance. The Diamond falls into the river.

He screams at the angel.

Which book you are reading from? The Diamond is falling in the water? Stain water?

It sounds like the Rings from the Lord of Ring were in the river, and someone picks it up from the river. That story has sunshine, at the beginning. Sunshine !! 

I keep hearing you said about the India story you used to be. You really want to go back to those time? You mean, you regret this entire flood things going on? You are just a humble servant. You take what it has come, and accept that. Move on going.

no, I don't think you were arrogant. It happens, so we deal with it together. That is all I can say to you. You are a growing up girl, the teens has some pride, but not arrogance, if I used to bring you up to certain age. You are far from arrogance.

The continue story on Adam's story....the diamonds, and the true home, or Eden...uhm....is that how the spirituality started to pass on to the World? I know that is not how they say they falls from the Eden story I used to hear from. I don't know. I don't have the books to check at all. 

(P. 5/9) Adam and Eve’s Exile From the Garden of Eden, Feb 11, 2021

Diamond like how crystal the mind becomes sharp? How sharp a mind can become? Do you remember you used to recommend a Japanese film, that the bus falls. They went to the second heaven to sit in a group ready to be judged? That is where the gold, or jewels or everything pave roads? Shining? 

You talk about the Mind in the second world, remember? you can keep in mind that, there is 1 Adam, 2 Eve ! so ...think about that. 

You thought about the Climate Change to do with the Water you causes the flood?

.... ... the Earth location when it spins in the solar system, it goes with the entire solar system to spin rotation around the gravity within that space to do with the Center star, perhaps like the Milkway, they say, central of something. Or there is other saying like the sun has a twin star, where the Nibiru were rumors to travel between the two system for 2012 conspiracy theory says. Weather is a funny things on the Earth, because the aixls were tilted, so there are seasons. Therefore, the weather is not really harmonious. 

You talk about the animals ... you ...how do you like the animals? Like for real, you like them? 

no, I don't like them. No, I am just....left being alone accustomed to it.

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