
Babaji: She failed

 ... ...

Babaji: You can ask if you want to.

Jealous ?

Babaji: Much more. You don’t understand what jealousy is?

Of course I know what that is.

Babaji: and ...

She is being adored by her own people and ...

Babaji : She knows those are not real. She enjoys it she will tell you that but she knows if the high tech fails, she becomes nothing and no make-up, everything is not what it seems to them anymore.

You have a problem with me no make-up?

Babaji: A little bit. What was for?

For Eben is not the only reason.

Babaji: You don’t have your place to put make-up on.

For now, I don’t have much to complain but yeah, I cannot put the make-up on right now.

Babaji: 70 billions people ...

Okay okay I heard you. It will be a long time they see another video probably ...

Babaji: It’s worth waiting for. 

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