
Part 7/8 Fallen Angel

 ET is not a demon, I know you didn’t say ET is. A demonic nature is invisible. ET I can see them from the Google search engine. Negative ET is not necessary saying they are monstrous or demonic ...they are symmetry bilateral humanoid. 

Did you see you had a voice volume problem in “pitch perfect” when they beginning had Obama and his wife on the group audition? These people exist! They are from Harvard. It’s put next by... your Legally Blonde paper logic statement study? Since Lupin says he is NOT your father. I am still here. Political science department has a logic class with a proper textbook in any US university can shipping you a textbook.

Part 8/8 heard. You actually had the photo you used to go out ...and ...did all that. Now your hair is blonde, just remember who told you so. That’s it. 

Part1/9 Adam & Eve, it’s not organic. Water in 本草綱目 definition roughly 101 type of water in the 清 dynasty ...you know how long that ago? Many Hundreds years ago, you talking about the air quality and the rain. Tell me why this doctor has to collect different season rain in different location to cure others to even claim his own name on the history? It’s not applicable this Time. Organic is modern agriculture terms. Your Bible, your ET waiting for you saying they are ancient ...ancient serpent , snake Neville, Eben on Legally Blonde. I have not blind or damf to explain what an organic terms to me ...there is pollutant in the food like pesticide so they better label something organic for a selling price tag. If the world has “no more oppression” from the insects, they don’t need to print a tag on a banana I hate I have to peel them tags or on every avocado!

Peanuts (David Jones Locker)

Diamond, eye glasses, small compact book, 24, old man ...

Washing machines, you drink ? Dryer ...Westinghouse branding, Simon, she is calling you. Dogs, birds, happy ....if you don’t see negative ET hanging around a photo they and squirrel and skunk painted in the Eden harmonious Heaven, something is wrong with the wild life produced by the Earth Mother element, in case they are imported from the other planets like us human ? Populating seeds?

Your father would know which subjects class you taking extra while he has to be in the movie, that Harry Potter movie? I hope that does not mean he keep seeing doubles ....he is too old.

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