
No, I didn’t do anything in my life. The real jobs or something.

 Yeah, in America like celestial.

No, I don’t even think of returning there right now. I have a mother, we live here.

The atmosphere I don’t like, but it’s not to go panic I am in a fake power and life? Yeah, the atmosphere 空氣 … … MD will tell you anyone in their life don’t go reacting on things that’s not farmilar to them. Immediately.

Some never travels, you know that?

Some did travel but we will all telling you … … a stable environment has no job is better than moving around without a job and Power, I lived in that.

You are a leader, you suppose to figure it out for your people not just 4 junction time, if Wallace found out from me? I know it ?

These story are telling them, telling me…..you all don’t read ?

Kenshine is popularity guy among all central attention. No, I am not. If I am in his world, I “by the way” claim I am an outsider. It’s all like “ I by the way be lazy”

It’s …real, I am an outsider.

Babaji: done on purpose 


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