
You need to have a meaning so there is a future

 Physical merits means nature disaster less. 人身福報福德

If you meant the Kingship.

It won’t matter which direction I guess …he can continue exist like that and brings his Age, Era staffs with him around him…who has that report?

Physical merits don’t ensure a lot of things, they still subjects to the concepts of 生離死別

Born, depart, dead, goodbye.

They feel it that torment, feeling it.

But whole life is food enough cloth enough, live fine comfortable.

He has IQ? Provably high, better at least?

Physical built, emotional balance

Oh he will have enemy …that’s physical karma…part of 生離死別



History just rubbish like crap …his staffs might be far away from him all around.

I don’t know the Time direction, because Dean, it’s 4

2010 what was that, and then Olympia we see 千山萬水

This is so sad …

Oh Kenshin Himura ! Are they sure? Oh my God !!!

That guy gonna die, or expired without …him

Whatever…I go to sleep.

Babaji: right

They are weak all minded race, not sure what’s life await, not very cling to life to say to do not selfish things to self improve - don’t ever take others stuffs. It’s dull spirits.

This Bible …hands can hold?

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