
食衣住行= 食, 衣, 住, 行 in Chinese has business meaning ? Words ? Food, cloth, house, legs to walk

 How many times parents, I say about food offering China? I was fake saying it? When I gonna see Dean Ola Dr T for sure MD board meant as beautiful as you, Vincent, Nick best tall friend live near by. We pass by say hi.

Cloth, American here saw one, it’s navy blue with starry starry night. Skirts, one in one out. One minute.

House, Rockfeller design, Obama mean he jealous Black Op meant that one word ?

Legs to walk, yeah ?

Money money money, CHASEz on Madison square…

So Chinese monk, whom say practices before my looks mortal ? Liking ? My liking not your liking ?

Precepts like her?

Oh really ?

I meant a lot of things, it’s not your real life meant it, right ?

Babaji: as beautiful as you …

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