
🤒 You MD met 430 furniture cargo? I used to do that for them behind I have money for the ONLY reasons buying them junks EVERY SINGLE day ….what? You know how long I have to sort craps here? Today I told Rockfeller (Wendy) what Marley house thing to tell her in real time, how to that?

 I said to her, people when I tell them things, they start to resistant the ideas breatharian day 1 to the day meet me.

I manipulate them?

I say to her you know, I told them to get you Medical Board card account to swipe, it truly bugs them.

I say if they MD pay on their own money card, it’s truly torture then for a minority Breatharian living on Air?

Worse it’s pay to classmate ?

I didn’t tell them to pay Simon.

It’s hopeless.

So I told her Wendy (Rockfeller) Ola, name she knows who Ola is, Dean is …no, not ice skating, I say my period is missing …I say Lockport driving to get a box of orange, I says people lay on the ground half way from Marley’s home to Library, 4 blocks…I say do you know, I go morning and afternoon, BECAuSE I have nothing else to do?

I say I sleep on pine wood

She says no mistress ?

I say I used think spine …but I have foam, I say Canada, Nick made one for me too.

Do you know what that was? I like Hotel mattress, not cargo those really bad ones? Hotel pillow different…I am telling you, Tesla lives in Grand Hotel.

Babaji: right 

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